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The company regards the promotion of health and safety measures as a mutual objective for management and employees at all levels, and considers this as a responsibility equal to that of any function.


It is therefore, Company policy so far as is reasonably practicable, to provide and maintain a working environment that is safe, without risk to health and with adequate welfare facilities for all employees and individuals involved in the Company's undertakings.


To this end, the Company will provide such resources and competent technical advice as may be necessary to enable all employees to meet their Health and Safety responsibilities, taking into account all statutory requirements. Risk Assessments will be carried out, and recorded, in all areas where potential hazards are likely to exist.


The management of the Company gives full backing to this policy and will fully support any persons implementing it. Everyone with supervisory responsibility must recognise and accept responsibility for Health and Safety in all undertakings coming within their areas of control, and must arrange for adequate information, equipment, instruction and training for employees for whom they are responsible. They must ensure adequate delegation of those responsibilities when they are absent.


Successful implementation of this policy requires the wholehearted commitment of everyone in the Company and acceptance by individual employees of their responsibilities to:


a) Take reasonable care for the Health and Safety of themselves and for other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.


b) To co-operate with the Company by adhering to Company rules, safe working practices and all instructions necessary to enable the Company  to comply with its legal duties.


All persons are reminded that it is a criminal offence to misuse or recklessly interfere with anything provided in the interest of health, safety and welfare.


The company stresses its commitment to Health and Safety to the extent that, where wilful disregard for safe working practices by an employee seriously puts at risk the Health and Safety of themselves or any other person. This will be considered as gross misconduct leading to severe disciplinary action.


A copy of the general statement will be issued to all employees and a copy of the Health and Safety policy statement made available for all employees.


This policy statement may be revised, added or modified from time to time, and will be supplemented where appropriate by codes of practice, guidance notes and standards. Changes will be brought to the individual attention of relative personnel

Approved for use by:



Michael Hole                                                  


15th January 2024


Benchmarked against RIDDOR                                                


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