Ethical Procurement Policy
Vinovium Associates Ltd is aware of the responsibilities ensuring considerations and evaluations are carried out to support good business practices when purchasing goods. Our policy includes identifying value for money and maintaining a local focus where possible but supporting the national economy in its practices. Considerations are made identifying the costs and benefits to society as a whole, not simply those directly relevant to the business.
This policy sets out the business policy regarding ethical procurement. The business will evaluate the supplier evaluating:
Working conditions are safe;
Good health is promoted;
Employment is freely chosen;
Working hours are not excessive;
Wages meet at least national legal standards;
Training is provided;
No discrimination is practised;
Diversity and good workforce practices are encouraged;
Child labour is eliminated;
No inhumane treatment is allowed.
These considerations meet with government considerations and legislation associated with procurement employment and trading national trading law.
Identify Need
Identify the need for a product purchase. For example, as a security company we want our officers to wear a certain uniform therefore we would have to supply this to our employees.
Select Specific Product
Select a specific product to meet the need. For example we need to source which type clothing best suits the needs of our employees.
Authority Levels
Each Director has authority to make purchases up to £100 after that agreement with other Directors is needed for purchases in excess of that amount.
Specify Technical Specifications
Arrive at a list of required technical specifications for the product to ensure it meets the companies’ needs.
Budget for Purchase
Establish a budget for the purchase relying on the range of prices identified by the research done.
Approved Suppliers
Vinovium will purchase from approved suppliers based on price, range of products, quality of service availability of stock.
Research Potential Suppliers
Research the various product types that fit the need along with their suppliers to identify the most durable clothing at the best price.
Solicit Bids
Solicit bids from the manufacturers and suppliers of the identified product that meets all the required specifications.
Award Contract
Select a supplier from the bids submitted and award the purchase contract.
Ethical Purchasing
When making a purchase Vinovium will consider the ethical aspects of the goods purchased to reduce the environmental impact. Vinovium will not knowingly purchase from organisations involved in child labour, discrimination, poor Health & Safety record, forced labour, or products and services that have a negative impact on the environment.
Non – Conforming Product or Service
Vinovium will maintain regular contact with its suppliers and provide feedback for any service that fails to maintain the required standard.